The Therapeutic Life Coach

Welcome! Thanks for popping in!
I love sharing the work I do have a read.
As a Therapeutic Life Coach, I help people navigate really challenging times in their lives.
I offer a supportive space to explore, examine and process ALL the difficult things; supporting change and movement through empowerment, working towards peace, happiness and fulfilment.
Often people come to work with me when they want to explore, examine, and make peace with circumstances they have found themselves in.
If you feel that you struggle with making big decisions
If you have felt unheard and unseen in your relationships, friendships or at work
If you feel that everyone and everything takes priority over you and your needs
If you lack valuable connections with others
If you aren't quite living the life you want
If you can't quite see your own strengths, always focusing on the challenges...
If you feel like you are living a Ground Hog Day existence and lacking fulfilment
Maybe you have experienced something recently and it is having a negative impact on your feelings and behaviours...​​​
If you feel like you haven't quite figured out your journey yet...
Then, it sounds like it may be time to have a Coaching Call with me.
Clients who have worked with me have felt listened to and empowered.
They have been able to trust, share openly and make sense of their situation.
Clients generally say they experience more clarity in their thinking, and most find it easier to make decisions.
Clients express that working together has helped them change old habits and think in new ways.
Clients say they understand themselves better, and have been able to make positive changes.​
I have a lot of experience working with diversity of all types, and work towards empowerment, inclusivity, self awareness, and communication; each individual is seen as their whole self
​Before taking on new clients, I always like to offer a Chemistry Conversation - to see how we might work together, talk through what's on offer, and check-in that our Coaching engagement will meet your needs. ​
Get in touch via email to book in a Chemistry Call, or you can find a slot here:
I am accredited with both the ICF (at Professional Coach level) and the EMCC (at Senior Practitioner level), and with the Association for Coaching.

Schedule a Call
If you are seeking Coaching or Supervision as a Coach (or Coach in Training) - Let's speak to see how we could work together!
London, UK